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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 1995, published 82nd ILC session (1995)

Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937 (No. 59) - Lebanon (Ratification: 1977)

Other comments on C059

Replies received to the issues raised in a direct request which do not give rise to further comments
  1. 2018

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1. The Committee takes note of the information in the Government's report regarding the application of Article 4 of the Convention, namely the text of Order No. 65/1, dated 17 February 1995, which requires the employer to keep a register of all employees under the age of 18 years and of the dates of their births. It asks the Government to supply a model of the register used under this Order.

2. The Committee, however, notes that no information has been provided regarding the revision of the Labour Code to be undertaken in the light of the provisions of the international Conventions ratified by Lebanon. It hopes that the special committee to study the internal legal measures aimed at giving effect to the provisions of ratified Conventions will soon recommend the pertinent measures and that they will be transformed into appropriate enactment in the near future. The Committee requests the Government to supply information in particular on the following points it raised in its previous comments.

Article 2, paragraph 1. The Committee noted that the minimum age for employment or work in industry, set at 13 years under section 23 of the Labour Code, was still in force. It requests the Government to indicate all measures envisaged or taken to fix the minimum age at 15 years, as required by the Convention.

Article 2, paragraph 2. The Committee noted that section 7, subsection 3, of the Labour Code excludes from the application of its provisions undertakings in which only members of the family are employed, and that no provisions therefore exist to ensure that the work of children in family undertakings may only be authorized in employment which, by its nature and the conditions in which it is carried on, is not dangerous to the life, health or morals of the persons concerned. It hopes that in the near future the necessary measures will be taken to extend relevant legislation to this category of undertakings, to bring it into conformity with this provision of the Convention.

Article 3. The Committee notes that, according to Decree No. 11019 of 7 October 1968, children may undergo occupational training with individual employers from the age of 12 years onwards, which is not in accordance with this provision of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to provide a copy of the said Decree.

Furthermore, no information regarding technical schools has been provided, which have been exempted from the application of the Convention under section 25 of the Labour Code. The Committee hopes that the Government will provide the required information with its next report.

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