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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88) - Albania (Ratification: 2009)

Other comments on C088

Direct Request
  1. 2015
  2. 2013

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The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention received in September 2012. The Government indicates that Law No. 7955 of 20 September 1995 on employment promotion, as later amended, stipulates that the National Employment Service provides free employment mediation for employers and jobseekers throughout the country. It further indicates that there are 12 regional employment offices and 25 local employment offices under the authority of the National Employment Service. Management and execution of the National Employment Service is carried out by the Tripartite Administrative Council, which is chaired by the Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations are members of the Tripartite Administrative Council. The Committee invites the Government to indicate in its next report what provision is made to review and revise, where necessary, the network of National Employment Service offices to meet the changing requirements of the economy and the labour force (Article 3(2) of the Convention). Please also provide information on the activities of the National Employment Service and information on the number of beneficiaries of employment services obtaining lasting employment (Article 5).
Article 6. Activities of the employment service. In its report, the Government refers to the activities of the employment service listed in the law on employment promotion and in the Statute of the National Employment Service. The Committee invites the Government to provide further information concerning the manner in which the employment service is organized and the activities which it performs in order to carry out effectively the functions listed in Article 6. More specifically, information should indicate how it collects and analyses comprehensive information on the situation of the labour market and its probable evolution and make such information available systematically and promptly to the public authorities, the employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned, and the general public (Article 6(c)); and how it assists other public and private bodies in social and economic planning to ensure a favourable employment situation (Article 6(e)).
Article 7. Special categories of job applicants. The Government indicates that it supports employment offices with equipment and special preparation to perform mediation for qualitative and effective work. When determining the candidates for filling job vacancies, employment offices give priority to: (a) jobseekers belonging to specific groups; (b) long-term unemployed jobseekers; and (c) other jobseekers. The Committee invites the Government to provide further information on the arrangements made to adequately meet the needs of particular categories of jobseekers, such as persons with disabilities and other vulnerable unemployed jobseekers.
Article 8. Special arrangements for young persons. The law on employment promotion includes persons under the age of 18 as a specific group. The Committee invites the Government to provide information on the arrangements developed for young persons within the framework of the employment and vocational guidance services.
Article 9. Staff of the employment service. The Committee invites the Government to provide information in its next report on the status and conditions of service of the employment service staff, and general information concerning the methods of recruitment and selection of this staff. It is also invited to provide information on the arrangements made to ensure the training of employment service staff for the performance of their duties, including both: (a) arrangements for their initial training at the time of appointment to the service; and (b) arrangements for subsequent training.
Article 10. Use of employment service facilities. The Government indicates in its report that regional and local employment offices will be run by the director of the office, who carries out their functions in consultation with the local tripartite council. Local tripartite councils consist of representatives from the employment office and from employers’ and workers’ organizations. The Committee invites the Government to provide information on the operation of the arrangements made nationally and locally, in cooperation with employers’ and workers’ organizations, to encourage full voluntary use of employment service facilities.
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