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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

The Committee notes the observations of the Inter-Union Assembly of Workers – Workers’ National Convention (PIT–CNT), received on 28 October 2016, which allege that obstacles to the development of rural trade unions persist in practice, for which reason measures and programmes to promote the right to freedom of association in rural areas need to be implemented, in tripartite consultation. The Committee notes that the Government indicates in its report that since 2005 the basic policy to encourage trade union organization in the rural sector has consisted of the convening of wage councils (tripartite bodies that establish minimum wages, categories and other benefits through social dialogue). According to the Government’s indications, the fact that these councils meet promotes the establishment of trade unions, the membership of workers, recognition by other partners, and crucially, this promotes action by trade unions in the sector, and their legitimacy and dynamism. The Government adds that there are other bodies in which rural workers’ organizations participate, such as the Rural Tripartite Committee on occupational safety and health, created by Decree No. 321/009 of 9 July 2009. Taking due note of these bodies, as well as the PIT–CNT’s observations that obstacles to the development of rural trade unions persist in practice, the Committee recalls that: (i) all categories of agricultural and rural workers, including wage earners and self-employed workers, permanent and seasonal workers, and workers in the informal economy, enjoy the rights afforded by the Convention; and (ii) under Article 6 of the Convention, steps shall be taken to promote the widest possible understanding of the need to further the development of rural workers’ organizations and of the contribution they can make to improving employment opportunities and general conditions of work and life in rural areas (General Survey of 2015, Giving a voice to rural workers, paragraphs 111 and 200). The Committee encourages the Government to continue, in consultation with rural workers’ organizations, implementing measures and programmes that promote the right to freedom of association in rural areas.
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