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NORMLEX Home > Reports requested and replies to CEACR comments: C027 - Marking of Weight (Packages Transported by Vessels) Convention, 1929 (No. 27)

Reports requested and replies to CEACR comments: C027 - Marking of Weight (Packages Transported by Vessels) Convention, 1929 (No. 27)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Burundi1963Out of cycle (Not received last year) Requested (pdf, 31kb)
Montenegro2006Out of cycle (Not received last year)Received (pdf, 31kb)
Pakistan1931RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
Panama1970RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
Papua New Guinea1976RegularDirect Request 2019Requested (pdf, 31kb)
Peru1962RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
Poland1932RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
Portugal1932RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
Romania1932RegularRequested (pdf, 31kb)
Russian Federation1969RegularRequested (pdf, 31kb)
Serbia2000RegularRequested (pdf, 31kb)
Slovakia1993RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
Slovenia1992RegularRequested (pdf, 31kb)
Spain1932RegularRequested (pdf, 31kb)
Suriname1976RegularRequested (pdf, 31kb)
Sweden1932RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
Switzerland1934RegularReceived (pdf, 31kb)
Tajikistan1993Out of cycle (Not received last year)Received (pdf, 31kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Germany1933Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Greece1936Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Guinea - Bissau1977Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Honduras1980RegularDirect Request 2019 (pdf, 31kb)
Hungary1937Regular (pdf, 31kb)
India1931Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Indonesia1950Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Iraq1966RegularDirect Request 2019 (pdf, 31kb)
Ireland1930Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Italy1933Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Japan1931Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Kenya1971Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Kyrgyzstan1992RegularDirect Request 2019 (pdf, 31kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Canada1938Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Chile1933Regular (pdf, 31kb)
China1931Regular (pdf, 31kb)
China - Macau Special Administrative Region1999Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Croatia1991Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Cuba1954Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Czechia1993Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Democratic Republic of the Congo1960Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Denmark1981Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Estonia1932Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Faroe Islands1981Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Finland1932Regular (pdf, 31kb)
France1935Regular (pdf, 31kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Tajikistan1993Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Ukraine1970RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 31kb)
Uruguay1933Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)1932Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Viet Nam1994RegularDirect Request 2022 (pdf, 31kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Lithuania1934Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Luxembourg1931Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Mexico1934Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Montenegro2006Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Morocco1956Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Myanmar1931Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Netherlands1933Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Nicaragua1934Regular (pdf, 31kb)
North Macedonia1991Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Norway1932Regular (pdf, 31kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Angola1976RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 31kb)
Argentina1950Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Australia1931Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Austria1935Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Azerbaijan1992Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Bangladesh1972RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 31kb)
Belarus1970Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Belgium1934Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Bosnia and Herzegovina1993RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 31kb)
Bulgaria1935Regular (pdf, 31kb)
Burundi1963Regular (pdf, 31kb)
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