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Reports requested and replies to CEACR comments: C077 - Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1946 (No. 77)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Albania1957Out of cycle (Not received last year)Received (pdf, 47kb)
Cameroon1970RegularObservation 2016Received (pdf, 47kb)
Comoros1978RegularObservation 2017Requested (pdf, 47kb)
Cuba1954RegularDirect Request 2016Requested (pdf, 47kb)
Czechia1993RegularRequested (pdf, 47kb)
Djibouti1978RegularRequested (pdf, 47kb)
Dominican Republic1973RegularObservation 2016Received (pdf, 47kb)
Ecuador1975RegularReceived (pdf, 47kb)
El Salvador1995RegularDirect Request 2016Requested (pdf, 47kb)
France1951RegularReceived (pdf, 47kb)
French Polynesia1974RegularReceived (pdf, 47kb)
New Caledonia1974RegularObservation 2016Requested (pdf, 47kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Lebanon1977RegularObservation 2017 (pdf, 47kb)
Luxembourg1958Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Malta1990Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Nicaragua1976Regular (pdf, 47kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Panama1971Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Paraguay1966RegularDirect Request 2019 (pdf, 47kb)
Peru1962RegularDirect Request 2017 (pdf, 47kb)
Philippines1960Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Poland1947Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Portugal1983Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Russian Federation1956Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Slovakia1993Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Spain1971Regular (pdf, 47kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Albania1957Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Algeria1962RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 47kb)
Argentina1955Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Azerbaijan1992RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 47kb)
Belarus1956Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Belgium1979Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1973RegularObservation 2023 (pdf, 47kb)
Bulgaria1949RegularDirect Request 2021 (pdf, 47kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Greece1981Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Guatemala1952Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Haiti1957RegularObservation 2021 (pdf, 47kb)
Hungary1956Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Iraq1951Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Israel1953Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Italy1952Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Kyrgyzstan1992Regular (pdf, 47kb)


CountryRatificationType of ReportPending commentsStatus of reportReport form
Tajikistan1993RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 47kb)
Tunisia1970Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Türkiye1984Regular (pdf, 47kb)
Ukraine1956RegularDirect Request 2023 (pdf, 47kb)
Uruguay1954Regular (pdf, 47kb)
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