Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1990, Publicación: 77ª reunión CIT (1990)

Convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930 (núm. 29) - Hungría (Ratificación : 1956)

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With reference to section 336/A of the Penal Code, as introduced into the Code by Act No. 23 of 7 July 1989, which makes any person who is liable to military service and who does not accomplish their civil service liable to be imprisoned for three years, the Committee requests the Government to supply information, including relevant texts, on this civil service, and particularly regarding its length, nature and whether it is of a voluntary or compulsory nature, whether it substitutes or supplements military service. It also requests the Government to indicate the difference between civil service and the unarmed military service referred to in section 4 of Act No. 23 of 1989 and to supply information on this latter type of service, including the provisions that are applicable to it.

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