Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1994, Publicación: 81ª reunión CIT (1994)

Convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930 (núm. 29) - Nicaragua (Ratificación : 1934)

Otros comentarios sobre C029

  1. 1994

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1. In its previous direct request, the Committee asked the Government to provide information on the current status of the Civil Service and Administrative Careers Act and on the freedom of public servants to leave the service. The Committee notes that the application of the above Act continues to be suspended and that, according to the information supplied by the Government in its report, public servants enjoy complete freedom to leave the service when they consider it appropriate to do so.

With regard to members of the national army, the Government states that, with a view to ensuring the functioning of the army and its subordination to the authority of the civil Government, the draft text of a basic law respecting the armed forces will be submitted to the National Assembly and will cover, among other matters, the retirement of members of the armed forces.

The Committee requests the Government to supply a copy of the above text once it has been adopted.

2. The Committee noted that, pursuant to the Act respecting the encouragement and promotion of the practices of production of 18 November 1992, the various university faculties had concluded agreements with production entities, which are regulated by the Regulations of the Academic Regime, and it requested the Government to provide a copy of the above Regulations.

The Committee notes that section 34 of the above-mentioned Regulations refers to production practices as the activity through which the principles of combining studies with work are applied and that section 42 establishes the practices to be undertaken in production entities and enterprises in order to comply with the prescribed objectives. The Committee notes the Government's statement in its report that the National Universities Council has established a special commission which is drawing up new Academic Regulations which are adapted to the current situation. The Committee requests the Government to supply a copy of the above Regulations.

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