Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1994, Publicación: 81ª reunión CIT (1994)

Convenio sobre el derecho de sindicación y de negociación colectiva, 1949 (núm. 98) - Chad (Ratificación : 1961)

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The Committee notes that the Government's report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous observation which dealt with the following:

The Committee recalls the need to amend section 119 of the Labour Code which empowers the administration to intervene in the collective bargaining process, and sections 121 and 122 of the Labour Code concerning prior authorization for the entry into force of collective agreements, in order to bring the legislation into conformity with Article 4 of the Convention. The Committee trusts that the draft Labour Code prepared in 1988 with ILO assistance will be adopted in the near future since the above-mentioned provisions are not reproduced in it. It asks the Government to indicate any progress made in this respect in its next report. In addition, the Committee is addressing a request directly to the Government about maintaining the provision of the Labour Code that gives effect to Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention.

The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the very near future.

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