Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1997, Publicación: 86ª reunión CIT (1998)

Convenio sobre la protección contra las radiaciones, 1960 (núm. 115) - Paraguay (Ratificación : 1967)

Otros comentarios sobre C115

  1. 2006
  2. 2005
  3. 2004
  4. 2001
  5. 1997
  6. 1993
Solicitud directa
  1. 2023
  2. 2015
  3. 2009
  4. 1988

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In its previous comments the Committee took note of resolution No.678 of 16 July 1979 which establishes standards concerning the risks related to the use of X-rays and radiotherapy in medical applications. The Committee asked the Government to indicate which activities, other than those covered by resolution No. 678, involve exposure to ionizing radiation and to provide detailed information on the measures taken or envisaged to ensure that the provisions of the Convention are applied to all workers exposed to ionizing radiation and that the maximum permissible doses are respected.

The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its last report to the effect that resolution No. 678 of 1979 has not been revised, the maximum permissible doses have not been reviewed, appropriate measures to ensure effective protection of workers against ionizing radiations have not been adopted either for health and safety or for exceptional situations or serious incidents, and that practical application is virtually impossible owing to insufficient human, technical and material resources. The Committee notes the Government's statement that an inspection of radiological protection standards in medical establishments revealed no irregularities.

With particular reference to Articles 2, 3, paragraph 1, and 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention the Committee again expresses the hope that the Government will soon be able to report the adoption of appropriate measures which ensure effective protection of workers exposed to ionizing radiation particularly with respect to the specific points raised in the conclusions of the general observation of 1992 (paragraph 35) and which comply with the maximum dose limits referred to therein, in the light of current knowledge as set out in the 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and in the 1994 International Basic Safety Standards for protection against ionizing radiation.

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