Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1998, Publicación: 87ª reunión CIT (1999)

Convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930 (núm. 29) - Australia (Ratificación : 1932)
Protocolo de 2014 relativo al Convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930 - Australia (Ratificación : 2022)

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Article 1(1) and Article 2(1) of the Convention. With reference to its previous comments concerning discharge of army, navy and air force personnel, the Committee has noted the information provided by the Government in its report received in October 1996, as well as the annexed documentation relating to discharge of airmen and sailors. It has noted, in particular, the Government's indication that the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) no longer enlist or train apprentices, and that consequently there is no current text on this issue. The Government states that current members of the RAN and RAAF who were trained as apprentices before both services ceased such training are now discharged at their own request under the same provisions as any other voluntary member of those two services. The Committee noted previously that under the Air Force Regulations (article 92(1)(a)(ii)) and the Air Force Instructions (DI(AF)PERS 6-1) an airman apprentice engaged to serve nine or 15 years. It would be grateful if the Government would indicate, in its next report, whether these provisions have been formally repealed, and if so, communicate copies of relevant texts.

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