Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1998, Publicación: 87ª reunión CIT (1999)

Convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930 (núm. 29) - Cabo Verde (Ratificación : 1979)

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The Committee notes the Government's report.

1. Article 1, paragraph 1, and Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention. In its previous comments, the Committee referred to section 28 of Legislative Decree No. 57/85 of 3 June 1985 with respect to the conditions of service of officers and non-commissioned officers in the People's Revolutionary Armed Forces, which made it compulsory to serve for a period of at least ten years before being entitled to resign. The Committee notes with interest that Legislative Decree No. 57/85 has been repealed and section 165 of Legislative Decree No. 81/95 of 26 December 1995 regarding the conditions of service of military personnel stipulates that the minimum period of service before being entitled to resign is now five years, rather than ten. The Committee requests the Government to provide a copy of Legislative Decree No. 81/95 of 26 December 1995.

2. Article 2, paragraph 2(c). The Committee previously requested the Government to provide information on prison labour in relation to provisions of the Convention. It recalls once again that sections 43 and 44 of Legislative Decree No. 25/88 appear to leave open the possibility of employment of prisoners by private undertakings, which can only be compatible with the Convention under the conditions referred to in paragraphs 97 and 98 of the 1979 General Survey on the abolition of forced labour. The Committee also refers in this regard to paragraphs 116 to 125 of its 1997-98 General Report, and, while noting that the Government has taken cognizance of its earlier comments, it hopes that the Government will provide the information that will allow it to assess the manner in which the Convention is applied.

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