Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2002, Publicación: 91ª reunión CIT (2003)

Convenio sobre la negociación colectiva, 1981 (núm. 154) - Colombia (Ratificación : 2000)

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  5. 2002

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The Committee takes note of the first report sent by the Government. It observes that the report is not a full one and therefore asks the Government to send a new and detailed report based on the corresponding report form approved by the Governing Body, together with the relevant legislation in force.

The Committee nonetheless notes that, according to the Government, one category of public servants (those referred to as "public employees") do not enjoy the right to collective bargaining and may only submit "respectful demands" containing requests that concern all their members. The Committee recalls that under Article 1 of the Convention, employees of the public administration must enjoy this right, it being understood that special modalities of application of the Convention may be fixed. That being so, the Committee requests the Government to take steps to bring its legislation fully into conformity with the relevant provisions of the Convention.

Lastly, the Committee notes the observation of 21 June 2002 of the Confederation of Colombian Workers (CTC) commenting on the application of the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to send its comments in this respect as regards the application of the Convention.

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