Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2002, Publicación: 91ª reunión CIT (2003)

Convenio sobre igualdad de remuneración, 1951 (núm. 100) - Tokelau

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The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s report and the attached documentation.

1. The Committee notes the Government’s statement concerning the developments on the granting of independence to Tokelau. Recalling its request of 2001, the Committee continues to note the current restructuring in the country, and in particular the decentralization of the public services. Recalling that the Tokelau Employment Commission is the employer in the public sector, the Committee notes that in February 2002 the General Fono adopted the rules governing the Tokelau Employment Commission. It also notes that the three villages in the future will determine their own employment regime and will in the future increase village employment, while employment in the public sector will decrease.

2. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that no information is currently available in response to its request of 2001, but that the Tokelau Employment Commission has been asked to bear in mind the Committee’s comments and that it is anticipated that the Government will be able to provide information with its next report on the measures taken to ensure the application of the principle of equal pay for work of equal value. The Committee would therefore be grateful if the Government would provide information with its next report on the measures adopted to ensure the application of the principle of the Convention, namely equal remuneration for work of equal value for all components of wages and emoluments. It also asks the Government to provide copies of any legislation adopted, pay scales and relevant statistical information to enable the Committee to assess the application by the Convention in practice.

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