Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2007, Publicación: 97ª reunión CIT (2008)

Convenio sobre la inspección del trabajo, 1947 (núm. 81) - Jordania (Ratificación : 1969)

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Legislation. Since the Government’s report received at the ILO in May 2007 does not reply to the Committee’s previous comments, by a letter of 20 July 2007 the ILO drew the Government’s attention to the request it had made, namely to provide an official copy of the Regulations on the Labour Inspectorate as amended (Official Gazette No. 4581 of 16 January 2003) and of the Order on registers to be kept by employers (Official Gazette No. 4568 of 16 October 2002).

The Committee notes that, by electronic mail of 20 August 2007, the Government announced that it was sending these two texts. It points out, however, that the Regulations on the Labour Inspectorate were the original regulations of 1996, and that both texts were incomplete. Consequently, the Committee is still not in a position to assess the extent to which improvements have been made to the legislation giving effect to the Convention. The Government is accordingly asked to provide both texts in full as soon as possible.

Articles 20 and 21 of the Convention. Annual labour inspection report. The Committee reminds the Government of the Convention’s requirements as to the form and content of the annual inspection report, and trusts that it will not fail to ensure that these are put into effect and to keep the ILO informed of any difficulties encountered in this respect since it last sent an annual report for 2000.

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