Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2009, Publicación: 99ª reunión CIT (2010)

Convenio sobre la libertad sindical y la protección del derecho de sindicación, 1948 (núm. 87) - Côte d'Ivoire (Ratificación : 1960)

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In its previous comments, the Committee noted the observations of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) concerning the occupation by government authorities of the headquarters of the National Union of Secondary School Teachers (SYNESCI), the recruitment of a militia by the maritime police to intimidate strikers and threats of penalties against primary school teachers on strike. The Committee notes the Government’s replies to the questions that were raised. With regard to the occupation of the premises of SYNESCI, the Committee notes the indication that it consisted of an occupation of the union’s headquarters by the militants of one of the branches of the union, and that the Government did not intervene in the dispute, which has been referred to the judicial authorities. With regard to the strike by the staff of the maritime police force, the Government confirms that the management indeed engaged a militia to intimidate the strikers. The Government specifies that the employment of the Director-General of the maritime police forces was terminated in August 2007 and indicates that it is a civil party to his prosecution. Finally, with regard to the threats of penalties against the Movement of Primary School Teachers in Defence of their Rights (MIDD), the Government indicates that this concerned an informal group that did not enjoy the legal status of a registered union, as required by the Labour Code. The Government indicates that it did its best to negotiate with the Movement, although without success, and that finally it only reminded the striking primary school teachers of the legal provisions governing the procedures for strikes in public services, which establish that a collective work stoppage results in a proportional reduction of pay or wages and the various additional emoluments, other than family allowances.

The Committee notes the ITUC’s comments, dated 26 August 2009, reporting the violent repression of striking public officials in the north of the country, and particularly the members of the Movement of Redeployed Public Officials of Côte d’Ivoire (MOFORCI), the arrest without due reason of the leaders of the Union of Communal Employees of Côte d’Ivoire (SYNAPECO-CI) and of the National Union of Municipal Police Officers of Côte d’Ivoire (SYNAPOMU-CI), intimidation by the authorities and interference in the activities of the National Union of Middle and Higher level Health Officials of Côte d’Ivoire (SYNACASS-CI). The Committee recalls that a climate of violence and the arrest and detention of trade union leaders for exercising lawful trade union activities without any charges being laid or court warrants being issued constitutes a serious hindrance to the exercise of trade union rights and requires severe measures to be taken by the authorities. The Committee requests the Government to provide its comments on the ITUC’s observations.

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