Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2010, Publicación: 100ª reunión CIT (2011)

Convenio sobre el desempleo, 1919 (núm. 2) - Estonia (Ratificación : 1922)

Otros comentarios sobre C002

Solicitud directa
  1. 2022
  2. 2015
  3. 2010
  4. 2005
  5. 1998
  6. 1995

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The Committee notes the report provided by the Government in September 2010 including detailed data on the national policy and legislation in connection with unemployment. It invites the Government to include in its next report information on any arrangements concerning the equality of treatment of national and foreign workers as regards unemployment insurance and the other information requested by the report form in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention.

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