Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2011, Publicación: 101ª reunión CIT (2012)

Convenio sobre la protección contra las radiaciones, 1960 (núm. 115) - Iraq (Ratificación : 1962)

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Further to its observation the Committee notes the following points:
Article 2(1) of the Convention. Exemptions. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee recalls that this Convention applies to all activities involving exposure of workers to ionizing radiations in the course of their work. The Committee notes that Sections 4(4), 5 and 11(1)(b) of the 2006 Regulations authorize the Radioactive Source Regulatory Authority to grant exemptions from its application under certain circumstances. Furthermore, with reference to section 2 of Act No. 99, 1980, it is not quite clear whether the present regulations apply to all activities involving exposure of workers to ionizing radiations in the course of their work. The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether and to what extent any exemptions have been granted under sections 4(4), 5 and 11(1)(b) of the 2006 Regulations and to confirm that the Internal Regulations No. 1 (2006) concerning the control of the use of radioactive sources apply to all uses of radiation in the country.
Articles 12 and 13(a). Regular medical examinations and medical examinations in cases of emergency. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes again section 12, subsection 5 of Act No. 99, 1980, providing that owners of a source emitting ionizing radiations shall submit exposed workers to preliminary and periodic medical examinations in conformity with the instructions and that in its report for 1986, the Government had indicated that instructions had been established providing for pre-employment and periodic medical examinations. The Committee notes that the Regulations do contain provisions giving effect to these provisions of the Convention. The Government is once again requested to supply a copy of relevant instructions in order to enable the Committee to examine the type and nature of the examinations required as well as the circumstances in which, because of the nature or degree of exposure or both, workers shall undergo appropriate medical examinations.
Occupational exposure during and after an emergency. The Committee once again draws the Government’s attention to paragraphs 16–27 and 35(c) of its 1992 general observation under this Convention concerning occupational exposure during and after an emergency and that section 35 of the 2006 Regulations does not fully reflect the recommendations in the general observation. The Government is again requested to indicate whether, in emergency situations, exceptions are permitted to the normally tolerated dose limits prescribed for exposure to ionizing radiations and, if so, to indicate the exceptional levels of exposure allowed in such circumstances and to specify the manner in which these circumstances are defined.
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