Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2013, Publicación: 103ª reunión CIT (2014)

Convenio sobre el desarrollo de los recursos humanos, 1975 (núm. 142) - Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) (Ratificación : 1984)

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  6. 1992
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Implementation of policies and programmes of vocational guidance and training. Collaboration of the social partners. The Committee notes the report received in September 2013 in which the Government indicates that one of the objectives set out in the Second Socialist Plan for the Social and Economic Development of the Nation is building scientific and technological capacities in relation to the needs of the people. Other educational missions include the Knowledge and Work Mission launched in January 2012, aimed at unemployed persons who wish to participate in a training process in the context of a productive occupation. The Government highlights that the Basic Act on labour and men and women workers (LOTTT), issued in May 2012, requires employers to organize technical and technological training courses on the operations of the productive process and to promote the conditions for the comprehensive, continuous and lifelong training of workers in the workplace. The LOTTT also provides for the signing of agreements on lifelong training for workers between employers, workers’ organizations and educational institutions, as well as for the establishment of centres for education and work intended to coordinate training needs with opportunities offered by the education system. The Committee notes that according to the Household Sample Survey of the National Statistical Institute (INE), for the second half of 2011, gender-based disparities exist in the level of education among persons aged 15–30 years. While 39.1 per cent of young men have basic education only, this percentage for young women is only 28.4 per cent. However, while 18.4 per cent of young men have university level education, the proportion of young women university students is 28.2 per cent. Regarding persons 45 years and over, high numbers have completed the lowest level of education for both men and women. The Committee also notes that the percentage of workers occupied in the informal sector, agriculture and in self-employment is higher in population groups with a lower educational level. The Committee invites the Government to include detailed information in its next report on the manner in which, in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention, the cooperation is ensured of the social partners and of representatives of the private sector with the view to achieving the objectives of the Convention (Article 1(2) to (4)). The Committee invites the Government to attach reports and statistical information enabling it to examine the results achieved in the framework of the various programmes and plans implemented relating to vocational guidance and training and the integration of the beneficiaries in the labour market.
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