Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2013, Publicación: 103ª reunión CIT (2014)

Convenio sobre las plantaciones, 1958 (núm. 110) - Cuba (Ratificación : 1958)

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Part V (Annual holidays with pay), Articles 36–42. With regard to the need to amend section 98 of the Labour Code, which provides for the replacement of holidays by remuneration under certain conditions and on which the Committee has been making comments for many years, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that the preliminary draft of the new Code was due to be the subject of wide-ranging consultations within the workers’ assemblies in 2013. The Committee hopes that the new Labour Code will be finalized soon and that due consideration will be given to its comments on this matter. The Committee also requests the Government to refer to its comments relating to Article 4 of the Holidays with Pay Convention, 1936 (No. 52).
Parts IX and X (Right to organize and collective bargaining – Freedom of association), Articles 54–70. The Committee requests the Government to refer to its comments relating to the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98).
Part XI (Labour inspection), Articles 71–84. While reiterating its request to the Government to provide further information on supervision and enforcement measures relating to the conditions of work of plantation workers (inspections carried out, violations reported and penalties imposed), the Committee requests the Government to refer to the comments made under Articles 12 and 15(c) of the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81).
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