Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2015, Publicación: 105ª reunión CIT (2016)

Convenio sobre la licencia pagada de estudios, 1974 (núm. 140) - Eslovaquia (Ratificación : 1993)

Otros comentarios sobre C140

Solicitud directa
  1. 2018
  2. 2017
  3. 2015
  4. 2013
  5. 2009
  6. 2004
  7. 2003
  8. 2002

Visualizar en: Francés - EspañolVisualizar todo

The Government reiterates in its report received in August 2014, in reply to the 2009 direct request, the provisions of the Labour Code giving effect to the Convention, including the provisions revised in 2011. The Committee once again requests the Government to provide documentation, such as reports, studies and inquiries, and statistics allowing an assessment of the manner in which the Convention is applied in practice, both in the private and public sectors (Part V of the report form).
[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2016.]
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