Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2019, Publicación: 109ª reunión CIT (2021)

Convenio sobre la edad mínima (pescadores), 1959 (núm. 112) - Mauritania (Ratificación : 1963)

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The Committee notes the observations of the General Confederation of Workers of Mauritania (CGTM) communicated on 1 September 2016, indicating that industrial fishing on the high seas is considered to be fairly dangerous by young people, most of whom dedicate themselves to river or artisanal fishing. Foreign fleets generally use foreign fishers. Recent fishing agreements signed between the Mauritanian Government and the European Union fixed the rate of use of the national workforce on board vessels at 60 per cent. The Committee requests the Government to submit its comments on this matter.
Article 2 of the Convention. Minimum age for admission to work on fishing vessels. The Committee noted that section 413(1) of Act No. 2013-029, issuing the Merchant Shipping Code, prohibits the employment, engagement or work on board a vessel of any person under the age of 16 years. Subsection 2 provides that the maritime authority may authorize persons aged 15 years to work on fishing vessels when they are engaged in vocational training in fishing or performing light work. Subsection 4 provides that the maritime authority may authorize exceptions to subsection 2, without specifying the minimum permissible age for this exception, where the effective training of fishers in the context of established programmes and schedules would be impaired. While recalling that Article 2(3) of the Convention authorizes exceptions to the minimum age of 15 years, but that it sets a limit at 14 years for children employed on board fishing vessels, the Committee requested the Government to provide clarifications on the minimum age authorized by section 413(4) of the Merchant Shipping Code. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that, while the exception established to the above section does not specify the minimum age authorized, this age is in fact set at 14 years. It adds that this issue will be taken into account in the implementing regulations. Noting that the legislation currently in force does not set an age limit of 14 years for authorized exceptions, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the measures adopted to bring its legislation into full conformity with Article 2 of the Convention.
Article 4. Training ships. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to provide information on the regulations applicable to work by children on board training ships (minimum age, types of work authorized, monitoring of the conditions in which such work is carried out). The Committee notes the Government’s indication that engagement in these vessels is carried out in line with the regulations governing maritime training. Interns are students registered in the Marine Academy (National Maritime and Fishing College), who are required to be no less than 18 years. It falls to the captain of the training ship to closely supervise the students and ensure that they are only employed in work and services related with their occupational skills and the exercise of their profession. The Committee notes this information.
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