Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2020, Publicación: 109ª reunión CIT (2021)

Convenio sobre estadísticas del trabajo, 1985 (núm. 160) - Isla de Man

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Solicitud directa
  1. 2020
  2. 2016
  3. 2011
  4. 2005
  5. 2000
  6. 1997
  7. 1995

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Article 7 of the Convention. Statistics on the economically active population. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the economically active population. Moreover, it notes with interest the Government’s indication that due to changes to data publication and access to additional information, the data required to implement Article 7 is now readily available and published on a regular basis and that, therefore, consideration will be given to formally accepting this Article of the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on any developments in this respect.
Article 8 of the Convention. Structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee notes that the Government of the Isle of Man carried out its most recent population census in 2016. It welcomes the information on census data and methodological information relating to the 2016 household and housing census, which has been supplied to the ILO Department of Statistics for publication on the ILOSTAT database. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide updated data and methodology, and to keep it informed of plans to conduct the next Population Census. The Committee further requests the Government to provide information on any developments in relation to the implementation of the resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (resolution I), adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (October 2013).
Article 9(2). Compilation of statistics of time rates of wages and normal hours of work. The Government indicates once again that time rates of wages and hours are not currently compiled, but that their compilation remains under consideration. The Government reiterates that it may be possible to require compulsory returns from employers without amending the Statistics Act. The Committee therefore once again reiterates its previous request that the Government provide information on any measures taken or contemplated in relation to implementation of Article 9(2) of the Convention regarding the compilation of statistics of time, wage rates and normal hours of work.
Article 13. Statistics of household expenditure. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that statistics on household income and expenditure are derived from the Isle of Man Household Income and Expenditure Survey, conducted every five years. The Government still refers to the most recent survey as the one conducted in 2013. The Committee nevertheless notes that the latest survey conducted appears to be the Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2018/2019. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the data and methodology for compilation of statistics on household income and expenditure in accordance with Article 13 of the Convention, using the most recent survey conducted.
Article 15. Statistics on industrial disputes. The Committee notes that summarized statistics on industrial disputes (strikes and lockouts) were previously available from the administrative records of the Industrial Relations Service and were compiled and disseminated annually. The Committee notes that the Government’s report refers to the “Isle of Man in Numbers” as the source of this data, with the most recent report available for 2017. Nevertheless, the Committee notes that the 2017 report contains no information on industrial disputes. The Committee therefore requests the Government to communicate the most recent published data on industrial disputes (strikes and lockouts) and to provide the relevant methodological information.
Article 16. Acceptance of obligations. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the possibility of accepting the obligations of Article 11 of the Convention.
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