Information System on International Labour Standards

Informe definitivo - Informe núm. 207, Marzo 1981

Caso núm. 972 (Perú) - Fecha de presentación de la queja:: 12-JUN-80 - Cerrado

Visualizar en: Francés - Español

  1. 35. In a telegram dated 12 June 1980 the Latin-American Central of Workers (CLAT) presented a complaint concerning alleged infringements of the exercise of trade union rights in Peru. The text of this communication was transmitted to the Government, which presented its observations in a letter of 19 September 1980.
  2. 36. Peru has ratified both the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98).

A. A. The complainants' allegations

A. A. The complainants' allegations
  1. 37. The complainant organisation alleges that, following the general strike of June 1980, which was observed by 26,000 workers of the Social Security Institute, 45 trade union leaders were arrested.
  2. 38. In its communication of 19 September 1980, the Government indicates, on the basis of information obtained from the President of the Peruvian Social Security Institute, that the workers who followed the leaders of the Central Union of Workers of the Institute have not been penalised for taking part in the last work-stoppage launched by the Union. In addition, the Government affirms that the 45 trade union leaders referred to in the CLAT complaint have likewise not been imprisoned.
  3. 39. In accordance with the established procedure the complainant organisation was informed of the Government's reply on 3 October 1980, and was requested to submit its observations on the matter. Since then, it has not supplied any further information.

B. B. The Committee's conclusions

B. B. The Committee's conclusions
  1. 40. The Committee thus notes that in its reply the Government has refuted the allegations concerning the arrest of the 45 trade union leaders in the course of a labour dispute at the Social Security institute and that the complainants have not contested this reply.

The Committee's recommendations

The Committee's recommendations
  1. 41. In these circumstances the Committee recommends the Governing Body to decide that the case does not call for further examination.
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