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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1989, publiée 76ème session CIT (1989)

Convention (n° 55) sur les obligations de l'armateur en cas de maladie ou d'accident des gens de mer, 1936 - Egypte (Ratification: 1982)

Autre commentaire sur C055

Demande directe
  1. 2019
  2. 2011
  3. 1989

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee takes note of the information supplied by the Government in reply to its previous comments.

Article 9 of the Convention. The Committee notes that Title IV of the Labour Code of 1981, concerning disputes, covers only collective labour disputes. It therefore recalls in this connection that this Article of the Convention provides that national laws or regulations should make provision for securing the rapid and inexpensive settlement of disputes concerning the liability of the shipowner under this Convention. The Committee trusts that appropriate measures will shortly be taken to give effect to this Article; it requests the Government to supply information on any progress made in this respect in its next report.

Article 11. In its earlier comments, the Committee noted that the national legislation (Social Insurance Act No. 79, 1977, section 2(b) in fine; Labour Code, section 26) makes the equality of treatment of seamen depend upon reciprocity, contrary to this provision of the Convention. The Committee notes from the Government's report that it intends to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Labour Code (section 26) is amended in the near future. It again expresses the hope that the Government will not fail to take the necessary measures to ensure such amendment so that full effect is given to this Article of the Convention.

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