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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1994, publiée 81ème session CIT (1994)

Convention (n° 26) sur les méthodes de fixation des salaires minima, 1928 - Malawi (Ratification: 1965)

Autre commentaire sur C026

Réponses reçues aux questions soulevées dans une demande directe qui ne donnent pas lieu à d’autres commentaires
  1. 2019

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes from the Government's report that the Regulation of Minimum Wages and Conditions of Employment Act was amended in 1992 to provide for consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the Reserve Bank of Malawi and participation of the Department of Economic Planning and Development regarding the review of minimum wages. It also notes that the amended Act calls for the review of any pecuniary conditions of employment once every two years or when the national consumer price index increases by 20 per cent (whichever occurs earlier), and that the Wages Advisory Councils and the Wages Advisory Board are to meet at least once every year.

The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the minimum wages actually fixed for different trades or parts of trades, including also the approximate numbers of workers covered (Article 5 of the Convention and point V of the report form).

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