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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1994, publiée 81ème session CIT (1994)

Convention (n° 29) sur le travail forcé, 1930 - Jordanie (Ratification: 1966)

Autre commentaire sur C029

  1. 2023
  2. 2008

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its report.

1. Article 2, paragraph 2(c), of the Convention. In earlier comments the Committee has pointed out that section 8(e) of the Prison Regulations (No. 1 of 1955) issued under the Prisons Act, provides that prisoners may carry out work for an officer or members of the Arab Army after obtaining the authorization of the Minister of Defence or his deputy, provided that their wages are paid to the prisoners' administration for the promotion of craft occupations and the improvement of the prisoners' situation. The Committee drew the Government's attention to Article 2, paragraph 2(c), of the Convention under which prisoners must not be hired to or placed at the disposal of private individuals, companies or associations and asked the Government to indicate the measures taken to ensure that prisoners are not assigned to work in the service of private individuals, such as officers or members of the Arab Army, without having freely consented in advance, and that they enjoy the conditions and guarantees which are those of freely accepted employment.

The Committee notes from the Government's report that section 8(e) of the above Regulations is no longer applied in practice and that under the present instructions prisoners may not work for individuals but only in their own interests and for the purpose of training. It adds that a law to replace the Prison Regulations was adopted in 1990 and is still being discussed by the Legislation Office with a view to completing the constitutional procedures for its promulgation.

The Committee asks the Government to provide a copy of the present instructions and of the law as soon as it has been promulgated. It hopes that the new texts take account of the provisions of the Convention.

2. In its previous comments the Committee referred to the provisions governing the service of members of the armed forces and conditions for resignation. It noted that studying and training contracts specify that the beneficiary must undertake to serve for a period of at least four times the length of the study or training period. During that time, the persons concerned may resign if they repay the costs and financial benefits; certain texts require repayment in a lump sum. The Committee asked the Government to provide information on the practical application of these provisions.

The Committee notes the Government's reference in its report to sections 118(a) (4) and 120(b) of the Regulations (No. 1 of 1988) issuing the conditions of service of the public service under which the period of compulsory service is equal to or twice as long as the training received. Since the Government has already supplied a copy of the texts that apply specifically to the armed forces, the Committee hopes that, in its future reports, it will be able to provide information on the practical effect given to these provisions.

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