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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2000, publiée 89ème session CIT (2001)

Convention (n° 160) sur les statistiques du travail, 1985 - Lettonie (Ratification: 1994)

Autre commentaire sur C160

Demande directe
  1. 2021
  2. 2016
  3. 2011
  4. 2006
  5. 2000
  6. 1998
  7. 1997

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Further to its previous comment, the Committee notes the Government’s report. It notes that compliance with the provisions of the Convention is ensured by the Law on State Statistics of 6 November 1997. The Committee asks the Government to supply further information on the following points.

Article 3 of the Convention.  Recalling that it is an obligation under this Convention to consult representative organizations of employers and workers in designing or revising the concepts, definitions and methodology of the statistics covered by the Convention, the Committee again asks the Government to provide the information on such consultation with regard to Articles 12 and 13. It also hopes that such consultation will be made on future occasions.

Article 12.  The Committee again asks the Government to indicate which international standards were taken into account in computing the CPI (in accordance with Article 2).

Article 13.  The Committee asks the Government to send to the ILO the publication containing 1998 survey results concerning the statistics of household expenditure (in accordance with Article 5).

Article 16.  The Committee notes the information supplied in respect of Articles 8 to 11, 14 and 15, under which obligations have not been accepted. With the purpose of clarifying the extent to which effect is already given to them the Committee is making the following remarks on some of these Articles. Concerning Articles 9, 10 and 11, the Committee notes that monthly and quarterly statistics of average monthly earnings and hours actually worked are compiled (in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 1. Statistics on occupational earnings and hours paid for or actually worked are compiled annually. Statistics on the distribution of employees by levels of earnings are compiled once a year (in accordance with Article 10). Statistics on the level and structure of average labour cost in manufacturing were compiled with reference to 1997. The coverage of the labour cost survey is being extended with reference to 1998 (in accordance with Article 11). All these statistics cover both the public and the private sector, and in general enterprises, etc., with 20 or more employees. Sampling methods are being applied and the concepts and classifications follow the ILO guidelines and comply with EUROSTAT requirements.

The Committee notes these developments with interest and draws the Government’s attention to the possibility, under Article 16, paragraph 3, of accepting the obligations of Article 9, paragraph 1, and Article 11. Regarding Article 10, the Committee asks the Government to report to the ILO on any future development of the survey on the structure of earnings, which had been envisaged in the previous report. It hopes that the Government will continue to supply any statistics compiled on the subjects covered by these Articles, as well as particulars of their sources, methodology and publication, in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4.

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