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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2001, publiée 90ème session CIT (2002)

Convention (n° 111) concernant la discrimination (emploi et profession), 1958 - Qatar (Ratification: 1976)

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1. With reference to its previous request for information regarding the prohibition of discrimination on the ground of political opinion, the Committee notes from the report of the Government that the Order of the Emir No. 111 of 1999 provides for the setting up of a committee for the drafting of a permanent Constitution which is to replace the temporary basic statutes currently in force. The Government had previously informed the Committee that the authorities were examining the possibility of establishing such a prohibition formally in a legal text, including in respect to employment and occupation. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to ensure that the future permanent Constitution gives full effect to the principles of the Convention, including the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin. The Government is asked to keep the Committee informed of the measures taken in this respect and hopes the Government will be able to report progress.

2. In respect of the implementation of the five-year plan (2001-05) for the training and qualification of secondary school and university graduates, the Committee notes the numbers of male and female graduates of the various educational levels needed by the labour market during the years of the plan. The Government is asked to indicate how these numbers are established in determining the sex of the persons needed by the labour market.

3. The Committee notes that the Government has sought the assistance of the ILO and other organizations in studying the situation of women in the Qatari labour market and to increase job opportunities for women. The Committee would appreciate receiving information on the progress and results achieved by these efforts, as well as follow-up thereto.

4. With respect to its previous comments on the follow-up to the 1997 Conference on "Women and the Labour Market", the Committee notes that the Government supplies information on three of the recommendations made by the Conference, which relate to the establishment of nurseries at the workplace, maternity leave and granting housing allowances to female heads of households independent from their marital status. The Committee notes that a committee has been established to examine the recommendations of the Conference and to refer them to the decision-making authorities. Noting the importance of taking effective measures to promote equality of women in the labour market, the Committee requests the Government to include in its next report information on the status of the implementation of these recommendations.

5. In response to the Committee’s previous request concerning the jobs from which women are formally banned, the Government has informed the Committee that, while under the current Labour Code women are not excluded from any particular jobs, the new Labour Code will include a provision prohibiting the employment of women in tasks that endanger their health and morals. With reference to any prohibitions adopted, the Committee is of the view that any prohibitions should be limited and justified with the aim of protection, such as protection of pregnant and nursing women. They should be adopted in light of the principle of equality of opportunity and treatment. The Committee hopes that the Government will take these considerations into account and will report on the provisions adopted.

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