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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2003, publiée 92ème session CIT (2004)

Convention (n° 162) sur l'amiante, 1986 - Croatie (Ratification: 1991)

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The Committee takes note of the Government’s report in response to its previous comments and concerning the observations made by the Association of Workers Affected by Asbestosis - Vranjic, on the application of the Convention, as well as the discussion held in the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards at the 91st Session of the International Labour Conference in June 2003. The Committee notes the Government’s indication, contained in its report, that no changes to the legislation have been introduced yet. In this respect, the Committee however notes the declaration of the Government representative in the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards at the 91st Session of the International Labour Conference in 2003 that in October 2000, the Ministry of Health has set up a multidisciplinary working group composed of the representatives of different ministries, institutes and trade unions to deal with the issue of workers who were professionally exposed to asbestos fibres and contracted occupational diseases. Between August 2001 and January 2002 a number of meetings of this working group took place, referring in particular to problems of diagnosis, treatment and claims for damages with asbestosis and related diseases. The Government representative further indicated that the respective legislation is under review and that the adoption of new regulations is envisaged, due to the fact that the Croatian Government, having signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union (EU), is obliged to harmonize its legislation with the legislation of the EU as from 1 January 2002, including the EU Directive related to asbestosis. The Committee while noting the inspection report of the State Inspectorate, Industrial Safety Section, of 14 November 2002, which confirms the allegations made by the Association of Workers Affected by Asbestosis - Vranjic, urges the Government to take the necessary legislative action in the near future to adopt laws or regulations concerning the use of asbestos, which prescribe the specific measures to be taken for the prevention, control of and protection of workers against health hazards due to occupational exposure to asbestos, in order to give full effect to the provision of the Convention. The Committee draws the Government’s attention to the fact that the Office would be ready to provide technical assistance, in particular with a view to the elaboration of legislation on asbestos, in order to overcome the problems incurred in relation to the application of the Convention.

The Committee is addressing a request directly to the Government concerning certain matters.

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