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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2007, publiée 97ème session CIT (2008)

Convention (n° 118) sur l'égalité de traitement (sécurité sociale), 1962 - Madagascar (Ratification: 1964)

Autre commentaire sur C118

Demande directe
  1. 2023
  2. 2012
  3. 2007
  4. 1993
  5. 1992
  6. 1988

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes that the Government’s report indicates that there have been no changes in the law or practice giving effect to the Convention. It also notes, according to the statistics attached to the report on the number and nationality of foreign workers on the national territory in 2004, that the number of Chinese workers has considerably surpassed the number of French workers who, for many years, constituted the largest group of foreigners in Madagascar. Recalling that, for social security purposes, French nationals are covered by the Franco-Malagasy agreement of 1967, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate in its next report any initiative to conclude bilateral social security agreements with other countries with migration to Madagascar.

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