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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2011, publiée 101ème session CIT (2012)

Convention (n° 158) sur le licenciement, 1982 - Slovénie (Ratification: 1992)

Autre commentaire sur C158

  1. 2006
Demande directe
  1. 2017
  2. 2012
  3. 2011
  4. 2000
  5. 1995

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its 2006 observation which read as follows:
The Committee notes the detailed and comprehensive report provided by the Government, which was received in October 2006. The report includes references to the provisions of the Employment Act of 24 April 2002, which entered into force on 1 January 2003, and a complete assessment of the application of the Convention by the labour inspectorate, as well as several relevant court decisions. In relation to its previous comments, the Committee notes with interest that section 82 of the Employment Act, in conformity with Article 9(2) of the Convention, requires the employer to provide a valid reason for termination. The Committee would appreciate continuing to receive information on the manner in which the Convention is applied in practice, including available data on the number of appeals against unjustified termination, the outcome of such appeals, the nature of the remedy awarded and the average time taken for an appeal to be decided. Please also provide information on the number of terminations of employment for economic or similar reasons and indicate any practical difficulties encountered in the implementation of the Convention (Part V of the report form).
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