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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2013, publiée 103ème session CIT (2014)

Convention (n° 94) sur les clauses de travail (contrats publics), 1949 - Panama (Ratification: 1971)

Autre commentaire sur C094

Demande directe
  1. 2013
  2. 1997
  3. 1995
  4. 1992
  5. 1991
  6. 1987

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 2 of the Convention. Labour clauses in public contracts. The Committee has been drawing the Government’s attention for a number of years to the need to take appropriate action with a view to giving effect to the core requirement of the Convention concerning the insertion of labour clauses in public contracts as prescribed by Article 2(1) of the Convention. In its latest report, the Government acknowledges that public procurement legislation is not in conformity with the provisions of the Convention and indicates its intention to rectify the situation and align the national legislation with the standards set out in the Convention. More concretely, the Government indicates that the Ministry of Work and Labour Development (MITRADEL) and the Directorate-General of Public Procurement plan to meet and discuss the measures that need to be taken for the effective implementation of the Convention, including the possibility to request technical assistance from the Office. The Committee hopes that the Government will take all appropriate action very shortly and requests it to keep the Office informed of any progress made towards the harmonization of the public procurement legislation with the requirements of the Convention.
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