Information System on International Labour Standards

Suites données aux recommandations du comité et du Conseil d’administration - Rapport No. 382, Juin 2017

Cas no 2944 (Algérie) - Date de la plainte: 20-MARS -12 - Clos

Afficher en : Francais - Espagnol

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
  1. 15. This case was last examined by the Committee at its March 2015 session and concerns allegations of a systematic refusal by the authorities to process applications for registration submitted by trade union confederations [see 374th Report, paras 13–17]. On that occasion, the Committee expressed its concern at the particularly long delay in processing the registration of the Higher Education Teachers’ Union (SESS) and the National Autonomous Union of Postal Workers (SNAP) – whose applications for registration were submitted in January and June 2012 respectively – and requested the Government to register these two trade unions without delay provided that they had met the conditions required by the administration.
  2. 16. In communications dated 31 May and 19 August 2015, the Autonomous General Confederation of Algerian Workers (CGATA), of which the SESS and the SNAP are affiliates, reports that the authorities are still refusing to register the two trade unions; that the founding members of the SESS have been the subject of an internal security service investigation; and that some of them, including the union’s national coordinator and a member of its national office, have been summoned to police headquarters for questioning with no legal justification. The CGATA adds that the authorities are also refusing to register the following trade union organizations: the Autonomous Regional Union of Workers in Construction, Forestry and its Derivatives (SRATCBD), the National Autonomous Union of the Agriculture and Rural Development Bank (SNABADR), the National Union of Workers of MOBILIS (SNTM), the National Trade Union of Workers of EUREST Algeria (SNATEA), the Autonomous National Union of Workers in Hygiene and Maintenance (SNATHM), the Trade Union of Workers of the Botanical Garden of El Hamma (STJEH), the National Autonomous Union of Manufacturing and Processing of Paper and Packaging Workers (SNATFTPE), and the Autonomous Algerian Transport Union (SAAT).
  3. 17. In a communication dated 13 December 2015, the Government informs the Committee that the SNAP has been registered under reference No. 110 of 12 December 2015 pursuant to Act No. 90-14 on the exercise of the right to organize. While noting with satisfaction that the SNAP was registered in December 2015, the Committee recalls that it has subsequently received from the SNAP a complaint concerning discrimination against its officials and has made recommendations in that regard (Case No. 3104, 377th and 381st reports). Furthermore, the Committee deplores the fact that the Government has provided no information on the status of the SESS and is particularly concerned at the allegation that many other trade union organizations that have asked to be registered are still in the same situation as the SESS: the authorities are making numerous non-regulatory demands in order to delay their registration. The Committee expects the Government to register the SESS as a matter of urgency, provided that it has met the conditions required by the administration, and to be kept informed in this regard. In addition, the Committee invites the Government to give its full attention to the situation of the abovementioned trade union organizations with respect to their registration.
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